Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Covid-19 Craft Catch-Up

Now that there are ten confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Monroe County, restaurants and bars are closed, all events postponed, and I am hunkering in. As a person with a compromised immune system, over forty, and suffers from hypertension, I am trying to be extra careful. I also have my oldest, who is eight months pregnant living in my home. This means time to catch up on all my works in progress, and reading.

Project 1: Knit Baby Tree of Life Throw

Project 2: Knit Eminence Rouge Socks

Project 3:  Crochet Secret Paths Shawl

Project 4: Drop-Spinning Wool

Project 5: Cross-Stitch

On my Kindle:
So, I should have plenty to do while isolated. Granted, as a self-proclaimed hermit/writer, I am used to this.

Stay safe and healthy out there!

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